Τρίτη 4 Ιουλίου 2023

ΕΚΑΝΑΝ ΠΡΟΣΟΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΤΙ ΘΑ ΣΥΜΒΕΙ - Time: 5 billion people may die in nuclear disaster because of Ukraine

 2:03  04.07.2023 14:03 /

American experts from the Future of Life Institute simulated a nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States.

"We obviously don't know how many people will survive a nuclear war. But if it's even remotely as bad as this study predicts, it has no winners, merely losers," Time said.

Most of the US population will be killed immediately, whereas the ensuing nuclear winter will last for a decade.

If one side launches nuclear-capable missiles, the other side will retaliate in a maximum of ten minutes.

  • The US will strike Russia from the northern part of Norway,
  • Russia will strike the US from the north of Canada, a couple of minutes after the launch of US missiles.

